
Rob Van Dam Claims He Was Never Actually Arrested During Infamous Pot Bust

Pro wrestling is full of stories, and RVD can tell a lot of them. There was a time when RVD was WWE Champion and ECW Champion, both under Vince McMahon’s umbrella. Then an unfortunate incident with police caused that whole situation to change for him.

The story goes that while traveling from a show in West Virginia to Philadelphia with Sabu on July 1st, 2006, RVD was pulled over for speeding. Then the officer allegedly detected the smell of marijuana inside the vehicle. Subsequently, the officer conducted a search of the car, revealing that RVD had 18 grams of marijuana and five Vicodin pills, while Sabu had drug paraphernalia and nine tablets of Testolactone. Following the discovery, both RVD and Sabu were arrested and later posted bail. The timing of the arrest was particularly unfortunate as RVD was in the midst of the most significant push of his career.

During a recent episode of his 1 of a Kind podcast, RVD had a chance to clear up that arrest story. As it turns out, there was no arrest in the first place.

“Here’s where my legacy will go down in their community, and it’s so much bullsh*t. Everything is so much bullsh*t, I just haven’t bothered to comment on. When I wrote the book it’s not going to be consistent with all the bullsh*t.”



“I’ve heard idiots on social media complaining about ‘no job rob’ refusing to put young talent over. Never happened, that’s not how the business works. They were gonna think that me and Sabu were smoking weed, got arrested, and I got fired from WWE when I was champion. I made a bad decision at that moment when I was on top. None of that is true. I smoke weed the whole way up the ride. At that moment, not only were we not smoking, but I didn’t even get arrested. Now, I know I’m going to hear pushback for that, because said I was arrested. But, I just found out that I wasn’t arrested, because I’ve learned a little bit about the law. What happened was they took our luggage out on the side of the road, and then I drove to the police station, and I gave them some money and I drove away. You can’t drive while you’re arrested, or even detained.”

RVD had to clear up a few rumors about him. That included the Whole F’n Show taking on rumor about his net worth. He also made it clear that he does not suffer from CTE.

The history of WWE is certainly filled with interesting stories. RVD and Sabu’s infamous arrest is one of those stories that has stood the test of time. It also appears that RVD has a new sense of clarity about the situation.

We will have to see when RVD comes around again. You never know when a company will need his services, and he seems down to take on bookings. Hopefully, his fans will get an opportunity to watch him wrestle many more times for years to come.

How do you feel about RVD’s legacy? What will you never forget about him? Sound off in the comments to let us know what you think!

Transcription by Ringside News

September 10, 2023 9:00 am


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