
WWE Schedules Mandatory Meeting At Company’s New HQ On Tuesday

WWE and UFC’s merger was quite a big deal on Wall Street. TKO Holdings Group’s stock had a big New York Stock Exchange debut, but it was followed by widespread firings in the company.

We previously reported that WWE fired over 100 employees today. It seems that the bloodletting is done for now.

PW Insider reports that WWE’s firing spree is over for the day. In the end, there were a lot of people who lost their jobs, but anyone who still has their job with WWE right now will keep it for now.

It was further reported that WWE staff have been summoned to the company headquarters on Tuesday. WWE CEO Nick Khan sent out an email to employees to let them know that they will need to be at the new HQ for a meeting.



WWE President Nick Khan issued an email asking all WWE employees based out of Stamford, CT to report to the new WWE HQ this Tuesday for a staff meeting.

Khan also confirmed that the layoffs have been completed and thanked all employees for their understanding.

WWE and UFC’s merger is now complete, and TKO Holdings Group intends on cutting costs. They have a number in mind, and it will take a lot of hard decisions to reach that desired $50 million to $100 million goal.

We will have to see what WWE does next, but their employees may see even more changes. They will also join the company on their move to the new headquarters in Stamford. Hopefully, everyone who lost their job today will land on their feet and find a new employer very soon.

For more on this story, and so many more, please stay tuned with us here at Ringside News. As always, leave those comments below!

September 15, 2023 6:42 pm

Felix Upton

Felix Upton is a seasoned writer with over 30 years of experience. He began his career writing advertisements for local newspapers in New York before transitioning to publishing news for Ringside News. His expertise includes writing, editing, research, photo editing, and video editing. In his free time, he enjoys bungee jumping and learning extinct languages.


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Written by Wrestle Pedia

WWE Fired Over 100 Employees Today

One WWE Department Was Cut To Only 3 Employees After Mass Release Spree