
WWE NXT Deadline Results Coverage, Reactions & Highlights For December 9, 2023

Welcome to our live coverage of WWE NXT Deadline 2023, broadcasting from Total Mortgage Arena. We’ll be bringing you all the action from this highly anticipated event.

Our live coverage kicks off at 7 p.m. ET, so be sure to join us as we follow the action and share your thoughts in the comments section below. Don’t forget to spread the excitement on social media!

WWE NXT Deadline 2023 Lineup (12/09/2023):

  • Axiom vs. Nathan Frazer
  • Men’s Iron Survivor Challenge: Dijak vs. Trick Williams vs. Josh Briggs vs. Bron Breakker vs. Tyler Bate
  • Women’s Iron Survivor Challenge: Tiffany Stratton vs. Lash Legend vs. Blair Davenport vs. Kelani Jordan vs. Fallon Henley
  • Steel Cage Match: Roxanne Perez vs. Kiana James
  • Carmelo Hayes vs. Lexis King
  • NXT North American Championship Match: “Dirty” Dominik Mysterio (c) (with Rhea Ripley) vs. Dragon Lee (with Rey Mysterio
  • NXT Championship Match: Ilja Dragunov (c) vs. Baron Corbin

WWE NXT Deadline 2023 Results (12/09/2023):

Axiom vs. Nathan Frazer

Nathan Frazer’s music plays and he walks to the ring. Axiom’s theme song plays and he walks out to the ring.

The match starts and Axiom takes down Frazer. Axiom knocks down Frazer and goes to work on him. Axiom returns with a running kick and goes to work on Axiom. Frazer knocks down Axiom with a forearm strike.



Axiom comes back with a dropkick. Cover! 1….2…..kick out. Frazer plants Axiom into the turnbuckle. Frazer attacks him in the corner. He follows it with a suplex. Cover! 1….2….kick out. Axiom locks in the octopus submission but Frazer gets to the ropes. Frazer locks in a submission hold.

Frazer hits a reverse DDT. Cover! 1….2….kick out. Axiom fights back and hits the dropkick. He then hits a half-and-half suplex and follows it with a kick. Cover! 1….2….kick out. Axiom places Frazer on the top rope and knocks him out of the ring. Axiom hits a moonsault on Frazer.

Frazer hits a superplex and follows it with a corkscrew suplex. Cover! 1….2….kick out. Frazer climbs the top rope and goes for the phoenix splash and misses. He superkicks Axiom. Frazer goes for a moonsault but Axiom catches him with a superkick.

Frazer comes back with a superkick. Cover! 1….2…kick out. Frazer climbs the top rope but is stopped. Axiom hits the Spanish fly off the top rope and he follows it with the Golden Ratio for the win.

Winner: Axiom

The opening package for the show airs.

Shawn Michaels’ music plays and he walks to the ring. Michaels says this is WWE’s final Premium Live Event of the year and asks if the fans are ready. CM Punk’s music plays and he walks to the ring.

CM Punk says who would’ve thought they’d be in the ring together. Michaels compliments his Bret Hart hoodie. Punk says he grew up watching Michaels and he can take a selfie with him. He says he missed his flight and he thought he can come and meet Michaels in person. He says there is a lot of speculation regarding which brand he will sign with and he teases signing with NXT.

NXT North American Championship Match: “Dirty” Dominik Mysterio (c) (with Rhea Ripley) vs. Dragon Lee (with Rey Mysterio

Rey Mysterio’s music plays and he walks out on crutches. Dragon Lee’s theme song plays and he walks to the ring. Dominik Mysterio’s music plays and he walks to the ring.

The match starts and Dragon Lee hits an hurricanrana sending him out of the ring. He then dives onto him. Lee sends Dominik into the ring and attacks him in the corner. Cover! 1…..2…..kick off.

Dominik Mysterio hits a DDT on the apron. He sends him into the ring and throws him into the turnbuckle. Cover! 1….2….kick out. Dominik goes to work on Lee. Dominik hits the three amigos on Lee. Cover! 1….2….kick out. Lee and Dominik battle for position on the top rope. Lee hits the stomp on a hanging Dominik. Both men get back into the ring.

Lee knocks down Dominik. He then superkicks him. Lee dropkicks Dominik in the corner. He sets up Dominik in the tree of woe and hits the stomp. Cover! 1….2…Dominik gets his hand on the rope. Dominik comes back with a dropkick. Both men exchange strikes. Dominik hits a powerbomb. Cover! 1…..2…..kick out. Dominik goes for the 619 and misses. Lee hits the Liger bomb. Cover! 1….2….kick out. Lee plants Dominik for the win.

Winner: Dragon Lee (c)

Women’s Iron Survivor Challenge: Tiffany Stratton vs. Lash Legend vs. Blair Davenport vs. Kelani Jordan vs. Fallon Henley

Fallon Henley’s music plays and she walks to the ring. Blair Davenport’s theme song plays and she comes out to the ring.

The match starts and Blair knocks down Fallon. Cover! 1…2…kick out. Fallon returns with a kicks to Blair and she strikes her with a right hand. Cover! 1…..2….kick out. Tiffany Stratton’s music plays and she comes out and sends Fallon into the barricade. Stratton and Blair attack Henley.

Henley fights back against both women but Stratton knocks her down with a clothesline. Both women lock in the armbar on Henley. Blair attacks Henley in the corner. Stratton knocks down Blair. Stratton attacks both women in the corner. Cover! 1….2….kick out. Statton attacks Henley in the corner. She then hits the Alabama Slam. Blair throws her out of the ring and pins Henley.

Kelani Jordan’s theme song plays and she runs down to the ring. She knocks down Stratton and Blair. Jordan with a dropkick to both women. Blair sends Jordan to the apron. Kelani comes back with a dropkick and a split-legged moonsault. Cover! 1….2….Stratton breaks it up.

Stratton dumps her out of the ring. Henley gets back in the match and knocks down Stratton. Henley hits the shining wizard on Stratton and pins her. Henly goes to work on Jordan. Stratton gets back in the match and attacks Henley.

Lash Legend’s theme song plays and she walks to the ring. She powerbombs Henley and Stratton. Legend superplexes Jordan and Blair. She then chokeslams Stratton and powerbombs Henley. Legend pins both Henley and Stratton. Blair ad Jordan lock in the sleeper hold on Legend but she drives them into the turnbuckle.

Jordan with an hurricanrana sending Lash out of the ring. She then hits a moonsault on her. Blair attacks her from behind. Meta Four block the penalty box from being opened. Henley climbs the penalty box but Stratton shoves her onto the announcer’s table. She then dives onto her opponents.

Lash Legends hits a splash on Blair. Cover! 1…..2….kick out. Stratton stamps Jordan. Cover! 1…..2…Henley breaks it up. Blair knocks down Jordan and pins her. Legend with the splash on Stratton. Jordan comes back into the match and hits a stunner on Legend. Blair stomps Legend. Jordan with a crossbody on Legend. Stratton hits the prettiest moonsault ever on Legend and pins her.

Jordan hits the 450 splash on Stratton and Blair. Cover! 1….2….Henley breaks it up. Blair sets up Jordan on the top rope and hits a German suplex. She kicks Henley and pins her. Legend come back into the match and chases Blair till the time runs out.

Winner: Blair Davenport

Blair gets on the mic and says the clock is ticking for Lyra Valkyria. Lyra’s music hits and she walks out. Cora Jade attacks her from behind.

Trick Williams is backstage with Carmelo Hayes who says it’s a big night for them. He says they have this in the bag. Trick asks if he will take care of business tonight and Hayes says he will not hold back.

Carmelo Hayes vs. Lexis King

Lexis King’s music plays and he walks to the ring. Carmelo Hayes’ music plays and he walks to the ring.

The match begins and Hayes knocks King out of the ring. Hayes brings King into the ring and hits an hurricanrana. He then follows it with a dropkick sending King out of the ring. Hayes goes after him and both men exchange strikes. King goes for a chop and catches the ring post. Hayes targets the hand. King rolls into the ring. Hayes with an enzuigiri. King sends Hayes out of the ring and hits a dropkick.

King sends Hayes into the steel steps. King attacks Hayes in the corner. Cover! 1….2…..kick out. King knocks down Hayes. Cover! 1……2……kick out. King with a single-leg crab on Hayes. King with a backbreaker on Hayes. King hits a clothesline. He offers a handshake but Hayes headbutts him.

King sets up Hayes on the top rope. Both fall off the top rope. Hayes knocks down King and attacks him in the corner. King hits a jackhammer. Cover! 1…..2…..kick out. Hayes knocks down King. He then goes for a springboard dive but King catches him and hits a backbreaker. Hayes returns with a kick and he follows it with the nothing but net for the win.

Winner: Carmelo Hayes

While Hayes was headed back, King calls him and says he didn’t attack Trick Williams.

Kelly interviews Cora Jade who says the women in the locker room are intimidated by her. She says she is going to take NXT to a whole new level.

Carmelo Hayes walks in on Trick who apologizes for letting King get in between them. He says it’s a big night for him and he walks away.

Women’s Iron Survivor Challenge: Tiffany Stratton vs. Lash Legend vs. Blair Davenport vs. Kelani Jordan vs. Fallon Henley

Men’s Iron Survivor Challenge: Dijak vs. Trick Williams vs. Josh Briggs vs. Bron Breakker vs. Tyler Bate

Dijak’s music plays and he walks to the ring. Josh Briggs’ theme song plays and he comes down to the ring.

The match starts and Briggs knocks down Dijak. He attacks Dijak in the corner and hits him with a shoulder tackle. Briggs kicks Dijak. Cover! 1…..kick out. Dijak comes back with a suplex. Dijak attacks him in the corner. Dijak suplexes Briggs. Dijak hits a chokeslam on Briggs. Cover! 1…..2…..kick out.

Briggs comes back with a big boot. Cover! 1…..2…..kick out. Briggs climbs the second rope but is stopped and Dijak hits the feast your eyes and he pins Briggs. Tyler Bate’s music hits and he runs down to the ring. Bate hits an uppercut.

Bate attacks Dijak in the corner. Bate hits an exploder suplex on Dijak. Cover! 1….2….kick out. Bate with the airplane spin. Brigss comes back in the match and hits Dijak with a clothesline and pins him. He then sends Bate into the penalty box.

Bate comes back with an uppercut. He sends him into the ring. Briggs is hung up on the top rope and Bate hits him with an uppercut. Cover! 1….2….kick out. Briggs slams Bate and follows it with a splash. Cover! 1….2….kick out.

Bate hits the Tyler Driver 97. Cover! 1….2…Dijak breaks it up. Bate rolls up Dijak and pins him. He knocks Bate who falls into the cover on Briggs. Cover! 1….2….kick out. Bate locks in the sleeper hold but he gets out of it. Trick Williams’ music hits and he walks to the ring. He attacks Bate and Briggs.

Williams with a clothesline on Bate. Dijak comes back into the match. Williams hits him and Briggs with a neckbreaker. Williams hits Dijak with a clothesline. Cover! 1……2…..Bate breaks it up.

Bate slams Williams to the mat. Cover! 1…..2….Briggs and Dijak break it up. Bate hits a suicide dive onto Briggs. He sends Dijak into the steps. He then hits a clothesline on Williams. Bate with the Tyler Driver 97 on Williams and he pins him. Briggs attacks Bate.

Bron Breakker’s music hits and he runs down to the ring and hits a spear on Briggs and pins him. He hits another spear on Bate and pins him. He hits another spear on Dijak and pins him too.

Breakker and Trick exchange strikes. Bron knocks him down with a clothesline. He locks in the camel clutch on Williams. Williams slams Bron but he rolls out of the ring. Williams dives onto everyone.

Dijak kicks Williams in the face and pins him. Dijak climbs the top rope but Breakker hits the hurricanrana and Bate hits the powerbomb and pins him. Breakker hits a gutbuster. Cover! 1…..2….kick out. He sets up Bate on the top rope and hits a fallaway slam. Cover! 1….2….Briggs breaks it up.

Dijak and Briggs chokeslam Bate. Briggs knocks down Breakker. Dijak hits the moonsault on Trick and Briggs hits a moonsault on Breakker and pin them. Bate hits Dijak and Briggs with a clothesline. He then hits a tornado DDT on Briggs sending him out of the ring. Bate dives onto Dijak. Briggs knocks him out and sends him into the ring.

Dijak superkicks Briggs. They knock each other down. Breakker sends Trick into the post and then spears him through the barricade. Dijak chokeslams Bron through the announcer’s table. Trick rolls up Briggs and pins him. Dijak hits the feast your eyes on Williams. Cover! 1….2…..Eddie Thorpe pulls the referee out of the ring. Thorpe attacks Dijak and Trick pins him. He then rolls up Bate and pins him. Breakker goes for the spear but Trick catches him with a knee and pins him.

Winner: Trick Williams

Rey is backstage with Dragon Lee and he hands him the North American Title. Josh Briggs is walking backstage and Jensen tries to cheer him up but he snaps at Jensen. Meta Four walk in and make fun of them and a brawl breaks out.

A video package plays of Kiana James walking towards a car. She gets in and the car drives away.

Steel Cage Match: Roxanne Perez vs. Kiana James

Roxanne Perez’s music hits and she walks to the ring. A car arrives at the arena and Kiana James walks out. Her music plays and she comes down to the ring.

Kiana attacks Perez to start the match. Perez sends James into the steel cage. Kiana climbs the cage but is knocked off. She then hits her with a dropkick. Cover! 1…..2….kick out.

Perez goes for a crossbody but is caught and driven into the steel. James pushes Perez against the steel. James drives Perez into the steel. Cover! 1…..2….kick out. James with a spinebuster. James is sent into the steel cage. Perez with a Thez Press on James and she follows it with a dropkick. Perez sends James into the cage. She sends her into the cage a couple more times.

Perez attacks James in the corner and hits a side Russian leg sweep. Perez climbs the cage and James follows her. Both women exchange strikes. James is knocked off but she recovers and attacks Perez. James then hits a powerbomb from the bottom rope. James slams Perez into the cage but Perez hits the pop rocks. Cover! 1….2….kick out.

Perez goes for pop rocks again but James counters and tries to crawl out of the cage. She grabs a steel chair from under the ring and goes to attack Perez but she kicks her. Perez takes the chair and goes to close the door but Izzi Dame attacks her with the cage door. James hits her with the steel chair and follows it with the deal breaker for the win.

Winner: Kiana James

NXT Championship Match: Ilja Dragunov (c) vs. Baron Corbin

Baron Corbin’s music plays and he rides a motorcycle to the ring. Ilja Dragunov’s theme song plays and he walks to the ring.

The match starts and Corbin takes down Ilja. Corbin knocks down Dragunov. Corbin takes down Dragunov again. Dragunov comes back and attacks Corbin in the corner. Corbin sends him out of the ring but he comes back with a kick and knocks Corbin out of the ring.

Corbin slams Dragunov’s face on the announcer’s table. He slams Dragunov on the announcer’s table. He sends Dragunov into the ring and attacks him. Corbin slams Dragunov into the turnbuckle. Corbin sends Dragunov into the turnbuckle. Corbin sets Dragunov on the top rope but he knocks him down. Ilja goes for a senton and misses.

Corbin hits a flying clothesline. Cover! 1…..2….kick out. Corbin hits a DDT. Corbin slams Dragunov to the mat. Corbin with a dragon sleeper. He then hits a gutbuster and locks in the dragon sleeper again but he fights out of it.

Dragunov with a running knee strike. He then climbs the top rope and hits a senton. Corbin with a clothesline but Dragunov gets up and knocks down Corbin. Both men exchange strikes. Dragunov attacks Corbin in the corner. Dragunov hits a German suplex. Cover! 1…..2……kick out.

Dragunov goes to pick up Corbin but his ribs give out. Corbin rolls to the apron. Dragunov and Corbin jockey of position on the top rope. Corbin chokeslams him from the top rope. Cover! 1…..2…..kick out. Corbin locks in the dragon sleeper but he fights out of it.

Dragunov slams Corbin into the corner. Corbin hits the Deep Six. Cover! 1…..2….kick out. Corbin slams Dragunov and follows it with a brainbuster. Cover! 1……2…..kick out. Dragunov hits a powerbomb on Corbin. Dragunov hits the coast-to-coast. Ilja hits a DDT to Corbin and he follows it with a couple of H bombs. He hits a third H bomb. He whispers something in Corbin’s ears. Dragunov then hits the Torpedo Moscow for the win.

Winner: Ilja Dragunov (c)

Trick Williams’ music plays and he comes out. Carmelo Hayes also comes out behind him.

This ends our live coverage of NXT Deadline!


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