
Val Venis Not Taking New Bookings Due To LGBTQ ‘Nutjobs’

Val Venis made a lot of fans during his time in WWE, but after his departure from the pro wrestling business, he took a right turn into politics. Although he hasn’t publicly run for any office, the Big Valbowski is still known to share his opinion on current social events, along with advocating for marijuana, which is his current primary revenue source.

Val Venis, who now goes as Sean Morley, announced that he will no longer accept any future bookings. Morley attributes this decision to what he refers to as “LGBTQ+++XYZ nutjobs.”

During his career, Morley achieved notable accomplishments in WWE, including being a two-time Intercontinental Champion, a former European Champion, and a one-time World Tag Team Champion.

In a recent Facebook post, Val Venis announced his decision to stop taking new appearances after fulfilling his next two obligations. He cited the influence of what he refers to as “nutjobs” from the LGBTQ+ community as the reason behind his choice.



“Hello wrestling fans. Just a heads up. I will finish up obligations on my next 2 appearances (I wont say when or where until the day of as the LGBTQ+++XYZ nutjobs like to threaten promoters for booking me). As of today, I will no longer be taking any further public bookings for the forseeable future. Tired of being booked & then canceled due to my political positions. Thanks.”

In recent years, Val Venis has been increasingly vocal about his controversial beliefs, leading to online debates and controversy. In February 2020, he made transphobic comments targeting Nyla Rose, which received backlash from various individuals

Also, in January 2021, Val Venis faced temporary ban from Twitter due to violating the platform’s policy against child sexual exploitation. This occurred when he shared a photo that he mistakenly believed depicted an adult engaging in sexual activity with a minor.

Val Venis is no stranger to sharing his opinions, and he became a heel for some, and a babyface for others, after his WWE departure.

Only time will tell what Val Venis says next to ruffle feathers. In case you’re wondering, he received a mixed reaction in his replies on Facebook. Keep checking back with Ringside News for more.

Val Venis did a lot in WWE, but would you like to see him in the WWE Hall of Fame? Sound off in the comments to let us know what you think!


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