
Stone Cold Steve Austin Caught Playing Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

In a surprising turn of events, WWE legend Stone Cold Steve Austin has been spotted immersing himself in the world of gaming. The WWE legend was seen playing The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom on a Nintendo Switch, showcasing his seal of approval for the popular game.

Since its release in May, Tears of the Kingdom has quickly gained popularity, selling millions of copies to eager Nintendo Switch owners. Within its first three weeks, the game achieved an impressive milestone of 10 million sales. Its predecessor, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, has sold nearly 30 million copies to date. These figures suggest that Tears of the Kingdom has the potential to surpass its prequel in sales.

Ringside News obtained two photos of Stone Cold Steve Austin engaged in the gameplay of Tears of the Kingdom. The images depict Austin playing the game in handheld mode while comfortably seated in a director’s chair in what appears to be his warehouse garage. His enthusiasm shines through as he proudly displays the Nintendo hero Link on the screen, accompanied by a thumbs-up gesture towards the camera.

Of notable interest is the fact that Austin is seen using the Joy-Cons from the limited-edition Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom console. This detail hints at his genuine enthusiasm for the game and the Nintendo Switch.



Stone Cold Steve Austin is not often captured engaging in video game activities, unlike wrestlers such as Xavier Woods of UpUpDownDown fame. As a result, these images of Austin playing Tears of the Kingdom are poised to become iconic representations of his unexpected gaming endeavor.

What are your thoughts on Stone Cold Steve Austin embracing the world of gaming and playing The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom?


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