10 Questions on WWE Wrestling Quiz

Are you enough intelligent to answer the questions? don’t wait just answer now WWE Wrestling Quiz.

(Visited 19 times, 1 visits today)

  • Question of

    What does WWE stand for?

    • World Wrestling Entertainment
    • World Wide Entertainment
  • Question of

    What arena was “Invasion” held at?

    • Gund Arena in Cleveland
    • First Union Center in Philadelphia
    • The Astrodome in Houston
    • Madison Square Garden in New York
  • Question of

    Who did the APA face off against?

    • The Dudley Boyz
    • Shawn Stasiak and Sean O’Haire
    • Chuck Palumbo and Sean O’Haire
    • Chuck Palumbo and Shawn Stasiak
  • Question of

    What did The Undertaker promise Vince McMahon?

    • That Team WECW would lose
    • That DDP wasn’t going to make it out of the arena alive
    • That he’d put a hurting on Shane McMahon and Paul Heyman
    • That Team WECW would see the best of The Undertaker
  • Question of

    Which wrestlers made up Team WWF?

    • The Undertaker, Kane, Chris Jericho, Chris Benoit, and Stone Cold
    • The Undertaker, Kane, Albert, Kurt Angle, and Stone Cold
    • The Undertaker, Kane, Chris Jericho, Kurt Angle, and Stone Cold
    • The Undertaker, Kane, Chris Jericho, X-Pac, and Stone Cold
  • Question of

    Who did Commissioner William Regal face?

    • Tazz
    • Raven
    • RVD
  • Question of

    Who wrestled in the first match of the evening?

    • Who wrestled in the first match of the evening?
    • The Big Show and Rikishi
    • Matt Hardy and Tajiri
    • Edge and Chris Benoit
  • Question of

    Who was dressed as Marilyn Monroe?

    • Dawn Marie
    • Torrie Wilson
    • Mae Young
  • Question of

    True or False: Paul Heyman told Brock Lesnar that he would have no problem giving The Big Show the “F5”?

    • True
    • False
  • Question of

    Who did The Big Show have a match against?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Rikishi
    • The Undertaker

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Written by Wrestle Pedia

Ashton Smith
