
MJF Recounts Experience of Communicating with Brodie Lee Through Medium

The world of professional wrestling suffered great loss with the passing of Brodie Lee. Many stories about how great of a human being Lee was shared over the past few years, as people truly knew his worth. In fact, MJF has now shared an amazing story of communicating with Lee through a medium.

Brodie Lee passed away on December 26th, 2020, due to idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, a rare condition that causes lung tissue to become irreversibly thickened and stiff. Even now, people continue to remember Brodie Lee.

On July 1st, Reebock will release special Brodie Lee tribute edition of their Classic Leather sneakers, featuring a predominantly black design with purple accents symbolizing Lee’s affiliation with The Dark Order during his tenure in AEW.

In a video shared on AEW’s social media, MJF took the opportunity to pay homage to Brodie Lee while promoting the upcoming sneaker release. MJF described Lee as not just a physically imposing figure but a person of immense heart, soul, and spirit. He recounted a personal experience with a medium, where Lee allegedly communicated through the medium to convey a message to his wife, Amanda Huber, after his passing.



“For the period of time that I did work with him, he was a massive human being. And I don’t mean that in size, I mean that in heart, and soul, and spirit. When he walked into a room, you noticed him. He was just a genuinely down-to-earth, dare I say salt-of-the-earth, person.

If there’s one story I want to talk about, it’s a zany one. After my grandfather had passed, which is around a similar time to Brodie’s passing, I had went to a – what do you call people who talk to people on the other side? – a medium, which I didn’t believe in whatsoever.

I’m talking to the medium and they’re saying stuff about my grandfather that they couldn’t possibly have known. And they’re telling me how my grandfather is on the other side. It was honestly really… it was both enlightening and made me feel good. Before I left, they said, ‘Woah, there’s this big individual that has just walked in the room, he’s got a big scraggly beard and he said he needs you to send a message to his wife.

I’m like, ‘Who the hell is this?’ The medium looks at me and goes, ‘He says his wife’s name is Amanada.’ Amanda Huber. So immediately, I’m freaked out, right, and the medium starts talking to me and I can tell she’s speaking the way Brodie used to speak with me. Very tongue-in-cheek, kind of ribbing me, and at the end he says, ‘Can you please send this message to my wife?’”

MJF’s story touched on how the medium accurately described Lee and delivered a message that brought comfort to Amanda Huber, showing Lee’s enduring love and concern for his family even beyond life.

“I’m not going to say what the message is, that’s between them. I was obviously pretty spooked, and I walked up to Amanda at TV the next week and I tell her this insane story. Her eyes start welling up because she was searching for this and she got her answer that day. So even in the afterlife, Brodie really loved and cared about his wife and kids.”

Brodie Lee’s contributions to the pro wrestling world will never be forgotten. This is because fans and peers alike will always remember him in one way or the other and that’s all that matters.

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