
Mercedes Mone Declares It’s Not Her Role to Elevate A Division

Mercedes Mone, formerly known as Sasha Banks, gained prominence in WWE, coming from the ranks of their developmental brand, NXT. She went on to achieve immense success claiming multiple championships and accolades in the process.

However, the former 7-time WWE Women’s champion made headlines when she departed from WWE in May 2022, along with Naomi. Reports suggested that her exit was driven by creative frustrations and apprehensions about her role within the women’s division.

Since then, she has competed in the Japanese women’s division against the likes of KAIRI, Mayu Iwatani, and Willow Nightingale and even won the IWGP Women’s title adding another important accolade to her illustrious resume.

Having competed in multiple divisions, Mone was asked during her recent appearance on the Kick Rocks podcast, if it was her responsibility to elevate it to the highest level no matter where she competed.



“I don’t like putting pressure on myself like that. I don’t feel like it’s a responsibility when it’s my dream and what I love because it’s not a responsibility, it’s what I have to do. It’s what I was born to do. It’s my sole purpose. It’s what I’m chasing to do. Equality in this business, making this business safe for women and respected for women. It’s beyond that. Responsibility? You can put it on me, but it’s my goal. It’s what I’ve been chasing. It’s what makes me so passionate about this business and makes me go chase these dreams that you sometimes think are not possible. Let me see if it can be. If no one is going to do it, I will, or try to.”

Mercedes Mone is gearing up for her expected debut in AEW, at the next special show, Big Business in her hometown of Boston, Massechuttes this week.

But she also went on to state that fans can expect to see Sasha Banks back in WWE in the future. So it has been perceived that AEW would be her stepping stone toward the monumental return to the global juggernaut someday. We will have to wait and see what happens next when Mercedes steps back inside the squared circle since being sidelined with an ankle injury back in May 2023.

What are your thoughts on Mercedes Mone’s statement regarding elevating the women’s division she competes in? Sound off in the comments!


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