
Kurt Angle Wasn’t Comfortable With Controversial WWE Angle

Kurt Angle has been involved in many great storylines throughout his career. However, there was one particular storyline in which he was not directly involved that left him unimpressed. At his age in his retirement years, he’s not afraid to speak about it.

In 2023, both Edge and Lita have garnered attention from WWE fans and have rightfully earned their places in the prestigious WWE Hall of Fame, thanks to their illustrious careers within the company. However, back in 2005, the situation was very different.

The line between art and reality was blurred when it was revealed that Lita and Edge had an affair while Edge was still married, and Lita was in a relationship with Matt Hardy. Hardy made this affair public, leading to his termination from WWE, which further fueled the intense animosity directed towards Edge and Lita.

As a consequence, the two were paired together on-screen, despite the uncomfortable nature of their situation and their subsequent breakup. This ultimately culminated in the infamous live sex celebration on Raw, the night following Edge’s capture of the WWE Title from John Cena.



Speaking on The Kurt Angle Show, the Olympic Hero openly acknowledged that he found the entire storyline distasteful, but he comprehended the reasoning behind the company’s decision to pursue it.

“You know what, it was so uncomfortable. You know, I was really tight with Edge and Christian and the Hardy Boys. And when they did that whole thing, I didn’t like it. I, to be honest with you. It just wasn’t very tasteful. I understand why they were doing it. And I understand Matt Hardy was on board with it, but I didn’t. I didn’t like it. I thought it was just sh*t.”

Eventually, Matt Hardy made his return to WWE, and the three individuals managed to set aside their personal issues and focus on their professional responsibilities, engaging in a series of intense, physically demanding matches. However, not everyone welcomed the airing of such personal matters on television, as it garnered its fair share of criticism.

We’ll have to see what’s next in this situation, because everyone involved is still involved in the pro wrestling world. If anything, you know that they will do whatever they can for the fans to make new memories.

What’s your take on this article? What’s your favorite WWE memory from years gone by? Sound off in the comments!


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