
Ex WWE Superstar Admits To Stealing From Vince McMahon

Vince McMahon is well-off, and he was taken care of quite well during his time running WWE. That being said, sometimes he had too much of things, but there were members of his roster who knew how to capitalize on a unique situation.

Employees stealing things from their office is nothing new. Since the beginning of office life, employees have been known to take off with a few things if they’re not watched. WWE is no stranger to this kind of thing, but the boss might not notice when certain things come up missing.

During Cafe de Rene, Stevie Richards was asked a question about stealing Vince McMahon’s protein bars. He had no qualms about admitting that this was 100% true.

“100% true. I actually got on the bwo network, we took over WWE Network, and it never aired, but I grabbed the phone in the control room and I said, ‘hey, can you bring down a case of Vince’s protein bars?’ Then Joey hung up the phone.”



“Yeah, we used to sneak into Vince’s office and steal his filet mignon and protein bars and seal is iso pure — because he would throw it out anyway!”

Stevie Richards went on to confirm that “they would throw it out every week after RAW, because SmackDown they’d have a fresh batch.” It seems that Vince McMahon wanted things fresh, even if it was just a few days old. Either way, Stevie Richards was happy to help with the problem.

We’ll have to see if any other backstage stories come out from history. Stevie Richards certainly made the most out of the experience, and he got free protein bars out of the deal sometimes.

What would you steal from Vince McMahon if you could? Let us know what you think in the comments section!

Transcription by Ringside News

November 12, 2023 3:53 pm

H Jenkins

I love pro wrestling and hate BS. These two things drive me.
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