
Dustin Rhodes Has Mixed Emotions About Cody Rhodes Leaving AEW

Cody Rhodes is currently one of the most beloved stars in WWE. His popularity continues to rise each week, and it seems poised to keep growing. While he was a major star in AEW, that chapter is now in the past. However, Dustin Rhodes has now revealed mixed feelings about his brother leaving AEW.

Cody Rhodes suddenly departed AEW in February 2022, leaving fans in shock. Before his exit, Rhodes was a standout performer in AEW, helping put over numerous talent with his solid performances in the ring.

While speaking in an interview with Denise Salcedo, Dustin Rhodes admitted feeling “kind of” upset about Cody Rhodes leaving AEW but expressed support for Cody Rhodes’ decision to finish a story he has in mind. He emphasized the importance of Cody concluding the narrative and hoped for a payoff this year.

Dustin Rhodes commended his brother’s hard work and determination to be the face of the company, expressing pride in having a Rhodes family member achieve success. Recognizing Cody Rhodes’ business acumen and creative abilities, Dustin Rhodes affirmed his full support for his brother’s endeavors.



‘Yeah, kind of. Ilove my brother, but he has to do what he needs to do. He has a story that he’s had in his mind that he has to finish. We’ve all heard it, every single week, ‘finish the story.’ I tell him that all the time. I hope he does. I think he’s probably slated for it this year, at least I’m hoping. He doesn’t know yet. We’re just playing it by ear. He’s working hard, he’s trying his hardest to be the face of that company. It would be nice to get a payoff, the one Rhodes in the family that actually pulls it off, it’s pretty cool. I’m behind him 110%, very happy for him, I love him to death. He’s earned it. He deserves it.”

Deserving has nothing to do with things, but I really do believe he deserves it, but more so, has earned it. He’s a great businessman, he has a good mind for creating, kind of like my dad did. I’m the worker of the family, dad was the creator, and I think Cody has a little bit of both. It’s incredible. I’m not the creative type, I can’t be a booker, it’s not me, I won’t do that. That will tear my soul apart.”

The American Nightmare also believes he should not have let certain AEW wrestlers beat him. Regardless, he is undoubtedly one of the biggest stars in WWE right now and no one can deny that.

What do you think of what Dustin Rhodes had to say? Do you feel Cody Rhodes will ever return to AEW one day? Share your thoughts in the comments section below!


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