
Dijak Describes WWE Main Event Transition as ‘A Death Sentence’ for Wrestling Career

Dijak, who had been making waves since returning to NXT last year, confirmed his departure from WWE. Despite being called up to the main roster this year, he never debuted on RAW. He recently expressed his sentiment that wrestling on WWE Main Event feels like a career setback.

After being drafted to Monday Night RAW in the 2024 WWE Draft, Dijak went several weeks without appearing on television. He briefly wrestled on the April 16th episode of NXT but then didn’t reappear until the May 30th episode of Main Event, where he faced Pete Dunne.

While speaking to Fightful, Dijak made it clear that being relegated to Main Event came as a significant disappointment. He expressed frustration, mentioning how he had initial discussions with a writer who seemed positive about using him on Raw weekly, based on creative plans discussed by management. However, receiving a text on a Saturday informing him of his Main Event booking was disheartening, as he considered it a death sentence rather than an opportunity.

“One of the bigger daggers to me was I got a text from the writer who was assigned to me. He and I had a good conversation the first or second week of RAW where I pitched all this stuff. I was hearing through the grapevine, ‘Creative wants to use you. Hunter has this plan. He wants you on TV every week.’ ‘Good, good. I can recover. As long as I’m wrestling in a ring, I know I can make this work.’ It was a Saturday, I got a text from my writer, ‘Hey we have you on Main Event.’ The second I saw that, I’m like, ‘F***.’ I know what that means. That’s not an opportunity, that’s a death sentence. Shit.”



Dijak credited his support team at Paragon Talent Agency, including Mojo Rawley and Steve Kay, for helping him stay focused and positive during uncertain times. He acknowledged the speculation online about his status and potential contract negotiations, with some suggesting WWE might be stalling to secure his re-signing.

While appreciating their support, Dijak also expressed skepticism based on his seven years of experience with the company and how talents at his level are typically treated.

I’m working with Paragon (Talent Agency), Mojo (Rawley) and Steve (Kay). I don’t know where I would be without them. Where my headspace would be without them, but it’d be in a bad spot right now. I’m thankful to have them on board. They’re super brilliant. They’re staying positive. Online, the discourse is, ‘They’re just waiting for him to re-sign. They want to lock him in.’ Mojo and Steve are reassuring, ‘They do this all the time. They’re trying to get a better deal so they’re taking you down to the wire.’ In the back of my head I’m like, ‘Maybe.’ I’m not saying they’re wrong. They’re wonderful and looking out for my best interests, but I’ve been me for the past seven years and I know how this company talks to people and treats people at my level. I’m familiar with how that works. ‘It does not feel like that guys.”

Dijak also seemingly threw shade at WWE for never debuting on RAW. In the meantime, Dijak also teased an appearance in TNA Wrestling soon, so it remains to be seen what the future holds for the former WWE Superstar in the coming months.

Do you feel WWE could have done better with Dijak? Let us know in the comments section below!


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