
Cody Rhodes Says Triple H Has An Open Mind to Ideas Unlike Vince McMahon

Cody Rhodes became the Undisputed WWE Champion at WrestleMania 40 and his booking for the past couple of years have all been under Triple H’s regime. In fact, Rhodes recently commended Triple H on having an open mind about ideas and booking in general.

Triple H took over as the Head of Creative in WWE back in 2022 after Vince McMahon temporarily retired and since then, the company has changed drastically in the right direction. After all, business is truly booming and they are on a hot streak in a big way.

Cody Rhodes appeared on Behind The Turnbuckle with Jonathan Coachman, talking about the importance of veterans having an open mind as the wrestling industry evolves. He pointed out the need for flexibility in approach, noting that many legends and old-timers insist on rigid rules, believing there’s only one correct way to do things. This mindset, according to Rhodes, doesn’t resonate with the current generation, particularly Gen Z wrestlers who are more independent and strong-willed.

“Have an open mind. A lot of the luminaries, legends, old-timers, when they mix with the modern locker room, the mistake is made of, ‘this is the only way it’s meant to be done. These are the rules. They are rigid, they are firm.’ You’ve seen this generation coming up of Gen Z. We see a lot of it at the Nightmare Factory. That doesn’t work. That type of motivation doesn’t work. ‘I did it all and I was at the top of my game so you have to listen to everything I’m saying.’ I’ve noticed talent, especially younger talent, are more independent-minded than they’ve ever been. They’re more strong-willed than they’ve ever been about what they can do. If you’re one of these guys coming in, having an open mind is the greatest thing ever.



Rhodes used Triple H as an example of someone who maintained an open mind. Despite being influenced by Vince McMahon, Triple H didn’t strictly adhere to his rules. Instead, he adapted and remained open to new ideas, unlike McMahon. While some classic principles like “less is more” remain valuable, Rhodes emphasized the importance of veterans being willing to have fun and embrace the entertainment aspect of wrestling.

“Triple H being the pime example. He could have easily taken (Killer) Kowalski’s rules, ‘this is how it’s done and how we do it.’ Vince’s (McMahon) rules, ‘this is how it’s done and how we do it.’ Instead, having an open mind. Those rules will always be there. The classic things like less is more. That stuff will always be there for us to look back and say, ‘that’s why they worked. We should continue to apply them.’ That’s the number one thing I like when I see a veteran talent, when they have an open mind and are willing to have fun. It’s a goofy industry. There are serious angles and life and death. In my case, there have been so many things that are real to me. Also, this is fun and this is a family show and entertainment. Generationally, fathers and sons. Mothers and daughters. To be open to, there are a bazillion ways to do this, as long as the crowds are coming and making noise, there are a lot of ways to do it. Having an open mind is huge.”

Even Randy Orton believes WWE under Triple H as the Head of Creative is what’s best for business. Regardless, with all the deals and interesting ideas Triple H has been coming up with over the months, fans can’t wait to see what else WWE will have in store for them.

Do you feel Triple H taking over WWE’s Creative department has been the best thing for the company? Let us know in the comments section below!


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